Being pregnant is a wonderful and beautiful time in life that demands proper nutrition. A healthy pregnancy diet is similar to a general good plan for health with a few extra considerations due to the needs of both woman and baby.
First of all, if you are pregnant, it is vital to consume folic acid each day. This is so important that many food manufacturers have begun to supplement packaged foods with it to ensure women have an adequate supply.
Deficiency can lead to birth defects, making this critical to investigate. Consuming adequate fiber throughout the pregnancy is part of a healthy diet. As the fetus grows and takes more space in the abdominal region, pressure is put on the entire digestive tract.
Eating enough fiber will ensure that your food is able to move well, even in the last weeks of pregnancy. While eating fiber will help to avoid constipation, you also need to intake sufficient fluids.
The combination is what is effective for digestive health. One of the best ways that you can get both of these is through eating several servings each day of fresh fruits and vegetables. When eating salads, make sure that you do not add a bunch of unhealthy foods that will negate the positive benefits of the vegetables.
For instance, fried chicken breast strips or most salad dressings. Instead, opt for baked chicken and use a bit of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and fresh spices to flavor the salad.
This is much healthier for you and the unborn child. As a part of your daily routine, make sure that you eat at least one fruit or vegetable that is rich in vitamin C. Tomatoes are a great option because you can include them in your salads and they work well in soups and sauces.
Citrus fruits are also good sources(orange and pineapple).
A healthy pregnancy diet will not add a bunch of calories to your daily intake. Many women take pregnancy as the opportunity to eat anything and everything. However, that is not good for you nor the child. 

The more weight you gain during pregnancy, the more you have to lose once the child is born.
Talk to your doctor about how much weight is healthy for you to gain during your pregnancy and adjust your eating habits accordingly. Though your body needs additional calories to fuel the growth of your baby, you likely do not need as many as you crave.

During the first trimester( A period of three months) , you might experience some morning sickness, even at other times of the day. In these instances, you should have crackers or plain bread nearby. This will help to absorb the excess stomach acid and allow you to eat at least a small meal.
Utilize these suggestions to help ensure that you have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Always follow instructions provided by your medical provider and enjoy each moment of your pregnancy. Start your child on a lifetime of good health while still in utero!
