Common Name = Bamboo
Botanical Name = Bambusoideae Family Name = Poaceae
Botanical Name = Bambusoideae Family Name = Poaceae
Parts Used = Bamboo leaves, Bamboo Exudate, Banshalochan, Tabasheer
Hindi name = Bans
Telugu Name = bongu-veduru, vamsamu, veduru
Canada name = bidiru, vamsha
Malayalam Name = Mula
Tamil Name = moongil, Periya Mungil
Bengali Name = baansha
Telugu Name = bongu-veduru, vamsamu, veduru
Canada name = bidiru, vamsha
Malayalam Name = Mula
Tamil Name = moongil, Periya Mungil
Bengali Name = baansha
Bamboo is a plant.
Juice from young bamboo shoots is used to make medicine.
Juice from young bamboo shoots is used to make medicine.
People use bamboo for asthma, coughs, and gallbladder disorders.
1. Bamboo is used as an abortifacient for kidney troubles.
2. The bamboo resin (tabasheer, banshalochan) has astringent, acrid, sweet, cooling, expectorant, constipating, cardiotonic, haemostatic, aphrodisiac, and diuretic properties. It is used to treat infantile epilepsy.
3. Stem sheaths of bamboo are used as covers for beehives
4. The leaf sheaths of bamboo are urticant. They are used in food for criminal poisoning.
5. The young new shoots of bamboo are eaten in Asia. Bamboo plants are especially cultivated to produce these shoots.
6. Bamboo extract is used to treat various inflammatory conditions.
7. Its sprouts are acrid, bitter and laxative and are helpful in inflammations, ulcers and wounds.
Bamboo leaves that look like not having the benefit it can be processed to assist in the treatment of several diseases.
1. Bamboo Leaves to Reduce Sugar Levels
2. Bamboo Leaves to Set Digestive System
3. Bamboo Leaves for Preventing Free Radicals
4. Bamboo Leaves to Maintain Health
5. Bamboo Leaves for Detoxification
6. Leaves Bamboo to Strengthen Network Nails and Hair
7. Prevent Hypertension
8. Helps Skin Care
9. Help Heal and Closing Wounds
10. Relieve Menstrual Pain
11.smooth urinating .
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